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- Arctic Baron
- (Simarils / ReadySoft)
- Cheat Table
- For
- GAME WIZARD from Enhanced Software Design Inc.
- This is definitely one weird and pretty lousy game. But then, you
- can't expect too much from a software company whose famous for making
- 16-step games.
- Anyways, this table allows you to have unlimited Lignite and Anthracites.
- It also sets the Boiler and Piston pressure to 0. Setting both to 0 prevents
- the Boiler or Piston engine from overheating or even exploding. There's
- also a setting for the number of wagons, wagon type, merchandise type,
- and number of items on wagon. But before you start editing, the following
- chart might be extremely useful for you:
- ========== ================ ========
- 01 -- Locomotion │
- 02 -- General Quarters │
- 03 -- Boudoir │
- 04 -- Observatory │
- 05 -- Prison ───────────────────┼───────────────────> Slaves
- 06 -- Alcatraz ─────────────────┼───────────────────> Slaves
- 07 -- Livestock ────────────────┼───────────────────> Mammoths
- 08 -- The Drill │
- 09 -- Harpoon │
- 10 -- Observation Box │
- 11 -- Cannon │
- 12 -- Machine Guns │
- 13 -- Missle Launchers │
- 14 -- Tank │
- 15 -- Oil ──────────────────────┼───────────────────> Oil
- 16 -- Crane │
- 17 -- Merchandise -- V
- 01 -- Rails
- 02 -- Missiles
- 03 -- Inspection Cars
- 04 -- Antiques
- 05 -- N/A
- 06 -- Alcohol
- 07 -- Cord Wood
- 08 -- N/A
- 09 -- Oil
- 10 -- Fur
- 11 -- Meat
- 12 -- Salt
- 13 -- Fish
- 14 -- Manure
- 15 -- Caviar
- 16 -- Fishing Rods
- 18 -- XL Merchandise
- 19 -- Bio-Greenhouse ───────────────────────────────> Plants
- 20 -- Refrigerator
- 21 -- Tender
- 22 -- Spy ──────────────────────────────────────────> Spies
- 23 -- Barracks ─────────────────────────────────────> Soldiers
- If you wish to add more wagons, then here's the format in hexidecimals:
- Wagon Type ────> 11 00 0A 7F 17 01 00 1E <──── # Of Items
- │ │ │ │ │ │
- Wagon Condition ──────────┘ │ │ │ │ └───────── Merchandise Item
- Merchandise Item ─────────────┘ │ │ └──────────── Wagon Condition
- # Of Items ────────────────┘ └─────────────── Wagon Type
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- In the above case:
- 11 = Merchandize Wagon (11h = 17 decimal)
- 00 = Perfect Condition
- 0A = Bails Of Fur (0Ah = 10 decimal)
- 7F = 127 Bails Of Fur (7Fh = 127 decimal)
- 17 = Barracks (17h = 23 decimal)
- 01 = Damaged
- 00 = 0 because it's not merchandise wagon
- 1E = 30 Soldiers (1Eh = 30 decimal)
- *** NOTE ***
- If you add more wagons, please make sure to put the
- total number of wagons into ENTRY 4. Otherwise, you
- might not see the new wagons on screen.
- Hope you understand. Have fun if you do!
- Jeff Leung
- Game Wizard Support
- (416) 497-8337